DIY Decor, Holidays

Simple Present Wrapping for Less!

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I love kraft paper.  I like the simplicity of its look and the versatility to dress it up or down and using a theme or not.  I mostly like that you can get kraft paper for free at your local supermarket.  Ask for paper bags and there you go.  I collect the bags and wrap gifts in them.  For Christmas presents, kraft paper goes naturally along with the holiday.  Plus you are recycling a recycled bag – so what’s not to like?  For this post, I used materials I had around the house, materials I saved from gift baskets, and bits and pieces of the outdoors.  The result is easy and creative gift wrapping for almost nothing out of pocket.  My total out of pocket cost for these presents is about 25 cents.
Kraft Paper Presents

The supplies are below in the photo.  I saved raffia that came on a gift basket to our office and the candy canes are 88 cents per dozen.  I also grabbed a handful of peppermint office candy…Use glue and grocery store bags and gift boxes that most department stores give for free with your holiday purchases.

The supplies

Carefully dismantle the paper bag at the seams and spread it out.  Wrap the gift in the paper as you would any other box.

Wrap the Box

Once you are done the box looks like a present!

Ready to decorate
There are so many variations on your gift wrapping.  The possibilities are limited only by your creativity.  For my first gift, I glued peppermints in the shape of a tree and tied raffia in a bow.  Instead of a gift tag, I stenciled the name directly on the gift.  
Gift #1

Repeat the wrapping process for the second gift.  For this box, I again used the stencil in lieu of a gift tag.  I wrapped another color of raffia from the same gift basket but this time used a candy cane and a piece of evergreen from my yard.  

Gift #2

I ran out of raffia on my final box.  I used ombre yarn instead.  My grandmother has an awesome collection of colored yarns so I was in luck.  I glued peppermints in the shape of a candy cane and repeated the stenciling process.

Gift #3

And the final products are below.  

Final Product #1


Final Product #2
Final Product #3


Merry Christmas!