DIY Projects

Party Naked (Cakes)

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My title may be a bit misleading…actually I’m talking about the a super easy version of a party favorite – Naked Cakes!  Now that wedding season is in full swing, bridal showers would be a perfect place to debut this cake.  Naked cakes are cakes with frosting in between the layers but not entirely on the outside of the cake.  Naked cakes are raw and less sugary than their traditional counterparts due to the lack of complete cake icing.  These cakes are taking the party world by storm because they’re easier to craft, less conventional, and perfect for a laid back soirée.  They’re the fun, rebellious cousin at the formal party that likes to smoke behind the building.  Naked cakes are “it” cakes – in fact I made this one without turning on the stove and under $5.  Let’s Party Naked (Cakes) !!

Naked Cake

My ingredients cost about $5.  I bought an Angel food cake ($2.50), whipped topping ($1), and a box of berries that I will use about half or less ($1).  You could also make your own whipped cream, it’s up to you.  Andddd, I’m ready to assemble.  It’s that easy (and super easy on the waist line with very little fat).


Slice the cake into layers.  I cut two layers, but you could get really fancy pants and slice the cake into three.  Knock yourself out.  Spread the whipped topping on each layer.  Slice a couple of berries and spread the slices on top of the cream.  Place a cake layer on top and repeat.  On the top layer you could either place whipped cream and sliced berries or whipped cream and whole berries.  It’s your choice.

Slice the cake

The photo below is a close up of the cake.  At this particular spot, I needed to add more whipped topping.  FYI. 

Add more whipped cream

Chill it for 30 minutes or so after you assemble the cake.  It sets everything just so.  Eat and enjoy!  


#nakedcakes #partynaked #summer #desserts #recipes #cake #party #delicious #yummy