
Effortless Back to School – WCCB Style!

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This morning I presented all things Effortless when it comes to Back to School for less on WCCB Rising.  Everything on the table cost less than $20 – so it’s a bargain for your budget.  Also Back to Schoolers can make and personalize the items themselves – so it’s a savings for your time (and stress)!  Check out the video…
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DIY Decor, Holidays

Back to School Blues – Denim Style!

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School starts for many people this week.  Whoa!  It was move-in weekend at a university near where I live and the traffic was pandemonium.  I had the misfortune of running errands in several stores, sigh.  Amid the congestion in the check out lines and store shelves that were nearly empty, I thought there had to be a better way.  So…
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Weekend Roundup….and a Preview of Things to Come!

I know it’s Tuesday so technically this post should be yesterday – but I’ve been out of town.  Yesterday I was at the doctor.  MS needs constant maintenance, oy vey, very constant maintenance.  I’m lucky that my doctor is amazing, he listens, and he isn’t even kind of surprised by what I tell him.  It is a huge plus that…
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DIY Projects

Kale or Collard or Lettuce Wraps

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Wraps are a summer go-to for a quick meal.  Anything you like (or imagine) can go in a wrap.  I think they’re easier to eat than a sandwich because the filling is better contained in the wrap.  However, I’m not a huge fan of the overlapping pieces of tortilla at the seams of the wrap that I always peel off…
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Party Like It’s 1995!

I hope y’all had a great weekend.  Mine started slowly as I was sick Friday and ate only chicken soup until Saturday morning.  My high school reunion was Saturday night so I needed to feel better in a hurry.  Sometimes with MS, I feel like I’m always tired and catching up.  I digress.  Anyway, the reunion was stellar thanks to my friend…
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DIY Decor, DIY Projects

Edible “Flower” Arrangements

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I love cupcakes and I love flowers.  If I had to choose, I think I would choose cupcakes.  However the marrying of the two together is my favorite.  A while back I made cupcake flower arrangements for a yummy pick-me-up for a friend.  It was the best of two worlds in my book.  They are easy and can be done…
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DIY Decor, DIY Projects, Holidays

Wedding Shower Part II: The How-To

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This is a followup to the surprise wedding shower post from yesterday.  Our shower theme is rustic elegance.  You may recycle old/used items for cost savings and sentimental wow factor.  The entire shower can be held for less than $50 with a 20 person guest list so it is affordable for all budgets.  Let’s get started with the Happily Ever…
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Julie, The Effortless Girl, is from a small (teeny tiny) community in the Appalachian Mountains of western North Carolina. The Effortless Girl was born out of a desire to challenge herself to find accessible, unique lifestyle ideas with cost savings in mind. LEARN MORE >

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