DIY Projects

Effortless Hershey Bar Hot Chocolate


Tonight it is 4 degrees outside.  This is the air temperature and does not account for the wind chill.  The evening calls for a fluffy blanket, warm pajamas, and a steaming mug of hot chocolate.  I was fortunate to have hot chocolate at the Knave at Le Parker Meridien during my visit to New York recently.  It was delightful, simply delightful.  I love hot chocolate and made a super easy version that takes minutes.  It is the perfect winter treat to warm up people of all ages!

You will need marshmallows, Hershey Bars, lollipop sticks, a mug and saucer, and milk.  This recipe can be modified for choice in fat content by using skim milk, whole milk, or heavy cream.  I used 2% milk.  
Warm the milk on the stove in a small pot.  The milk needs to be very hot so heat it gently so that it won’t burn.

While the milk is heating, place the marshmallows in the sticks.

Break the Hershey bar into pieces into the mug.

Melt the chocolate in the microwave.

For an extra treat, quickly dip the end marshmallow into the melted chocolate.

Set the marshmallow aside to cool and harden.

Pour the hot milk into the mug of melted chocolate.  Be very careful as the milk is steaming hot.  

Stir the milk and chocolate until well blended.  Be sure to scrape the bottom of the mug with the spoon to incorporate the chocolate.

Arrange the marshmallows on the saucer.  Relax and enjoy your treat under a warm blanket.  Spring will be here before you know it!