DIY Decor, Holidays

DIY Curtains

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It’s freezing outside and being stuck inside makes me feel bottled up.  Having extra time to stare at the walls gives me reason to look around the house and find areas to spruce up.  DIY Curtains are the fastest way (in my opinion) to give a room a fresh new look.  I made them from twin bedsheets so the cost investment is minimal but the look is a big box of wow!


Two Twin Bed Sheets
Paint (one bottle of craft paint $2.50 will do one sheet)
Sponge Brushes
Curtain Rod
Measuring Tape

Begin by ironing the sheets.  Lay them flat on a surface – I used the floor.  This allowed me to measure the spacing I wanted for the stencils on the curtain.

Next start painting on the stencil.  The sponge brush works the best on fabric.  Place newspaper below the curtain to protect your surface for any paint that may bleed through.

This is a partial progress shot.

Overall it took about an hour to do the first sheet.  The second one wasn’t as long because I had the lessons learned from the first one about the spacing of the stencils.  Allow to dry overnight.

The above photo is the finished curtains.  Cut a small hole in the tab at the top of the sheet for the curtain rod.
I also did stripes on the bottom of a navy curtain for a nautical theme.  For this you’ll need a roller, measuring stick, and painters tape to mark off the lines.

Mark your lines with painters tape.

Then stripe the insides with paint and the paint roller.

Allow the paint to dry overnight.