
Call Me Ishmael



Call me Ishmael. I’m using the opening line from Moby Dick to begin my blog because I wasn’t sure how or where to start and it worked really well for Herman Melville. I had the idea for a blog several years ago but life, work, relationships, etc. take time and I procrastinated.

Several years ago I saved a quote that said, “She turned her Can’ts into Cans, and her dreams into plans.” I went to college on a writing scholarship and I find it easy to express myself through writing. However, life and responsibilities get in the way sometimes and I sort of stopped altogether in my twenties. This blog is overcoming part of my ‘can’ts.’ I’m learning lately that it is up to you to create your own happiness that no one else can or will do it for you.

I’m a southern 35 year old female, unmarried and I don’t have children. GASP! It can be tricky to be those things at this age, especially where I live…but I try to overcome them with sarcasm, wit, and humor, always humor – although desperate times call for cheesecake!

I want “Effortless and Exquisite” to be a lifestyle blog that is fun and informative with perhaps a unique twist on some of the articles, recipes, jokes, or fashion already on the web. I love cooking, eating, traveling, fashion, and eclectic things, so my blog will be a nice mix of those.

There are lots of great people out there with interesting stories and I’m also hoping to share some of my favorites through my blog. It is my goal that “Effortless and Exquisite” becomes a mantra for my life. Everyone should be able to find the exquisite in life with minimal effort.  Life is full of remarkable things if we are able to see through the clutter and the noise.

So welcome to Effortless and Exquisite! Thank you for taking time to read my first blog. I’m glad you’re here, remember to keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle, be sure your seat belt is securely fastened and ENJOY THE RIDE!

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